Hair loss can be devastating and left you looking for options to hide the balding that seems to get worse as the days go by.  If you are not ready to shave your head and accept the balding and also not ready to wear a hair piece then another solution exists on the market, which is an FUE Hair Transplant.
FUE stands for follicular unit extraction, which essentially means harvesting hairs out in small groups of 1 to four hair follicles and transplanting them where you need it.  The nice this about the FUE transplant procedure is that it is a much less invasive when compared to traditional hair transplant methods.
Traditional transplants use strip harvesting, which removes a strip of skin that is cut into individual units and transplanted.  This causes scaring where the hairs are harvested, but with FUE there is no linear scar.
Cost wise the prices differ depending on where you get the work done, but range in the $3,000 – $6,000 on average.
Bald R Us believes in accepting your baldness, but we understand the struggle and concerns when you realize you are balding.  We with you the best of luck with your journey and if you are ready to accept going bald we are here to help support you.