Losing your hair can be devastating and one of your first reactions is usually denial.  It is important that you are honest with yourself and not just disregard it as another bad hair day.  One of the most commonly asked questions our readers have is “Am I going bald?”  We will help you answer that, but if you are asking this question then you probably have some hair loss.  People with a full head of hair don’t go asking questions about thinning hair.
Let’s get to the point and start helping answer the million dollar question about losing your hair.  Balding happens over time, so you won’t wake up one morning with a bald head.  Your hair will become thinner in certain areas and it usually starts receding (moving) backwards on your head.  With any gradual change it is hard to put your finger on it exactly, but you do notice over time.  Go look at a picture of yourself 10 years ago and compare it to now and I bet you look significantly different, but not a single day in the last 10 years did you wake up with a new look.  It’s a slow and gradual change and so is hair loss.
So what are some signs that you are going bald?
Start by looking for physical traces of hair loss.
  • Look at your brush/comb after combing your hair.  Do you have more hair in it than normal?
  • Check your pillow in the morning and look for for hair.
  • Run your fingers through your hair and see if you have some on your hands afterwards
  • Your shower drain is another place to look and also in your hands while shampooing your hair.
Just look at yourself
  • Do you notice a thin patch of hair when looking in the mirror.
  • Can you see your scalp more now than before
  • Is your hairline receding back further
  • Compare pictures from 1 year ago to now
What are others saying
  • For some reason people like to tell you that your hair is thinning, so if you hear this from multiple people unprovoked then you might be losing your hair
What are your actions saying
  • Your sub conscious speaks loudly
  • Are you wearing hats more often
  • Do you comb your hair a bit different to hide a spot
  • Do you try to turn your head one way or another for pictures
If you ask yourself all of the above questions and answer honestly then you will know if you are starting to lose your hair.  If none of the above apply then you are probably safe.  This is not a 100% accurate test, but it will give you a good start.
Now that you have identified if you are losing your hair it’s important to understand why it is falling out.  There are many reasons, so learn more about the causes of hair loss.